Digital Transformation | Innovators 2019 Kick Off Event - Recap
Advance Business Consulting has been helping companies build their technology advantage for over 20+ years. With the growth in data, an opportunity exists to gain new insights and leverage operational efficiencies - A better, automated way of doing things. Organisations must be more vigilant than ever in remaining innovative and future-proofing their businesses. This is critical in remaining profitable and competitive.
Last Thursday, Advance held its SA Innovators / 2019 Kick Off Event, showcasing the road to success a handful of clients have achieved through Innovation and Digital Transformation.
The forum provided an opportunity for everyone to share their challenges and journey in digitising their business and processes, where to start and some unexpected findings along the way.
Inspirational and engaging discussions with key speakers from local and global industries; including Elyse Mitani, Graham Berry (Mitani Group), Michael Auciello (Chemist King & PharmPack) & Julien Berteraut (Intrexx).
Abby Brown (Intrexx) & Nik Villios (Advance)
Graham Berry & Elyse Mitani (Mitani)
John-Paul from Advance kicked off the event with an overview on digital trends for 2019 and an introduction to some of the projects and clients that Advance has worked with in recent years.
Mitani is the name behind many of Australia’s leading food manufacturing brands and a key part of their supply chain. They started a project in 2014 in an effort to improve document sharing in their R&D Department.
Over the last 4 years Mitani have continued to expand their digital workplace footprint and now utilise a central document management system, automated workflow and timely audit and compliance system. A business system used across the entire organisation to drive continuous improvement and insights into the business. A link to Mitani’s presentation has been included below.
Michael Auciello (Chemist King / PharmPack)
Michael Auciello delivered an interesting talk about the development of PharmPack Solutions, an online platform for medication ordering, prescription management and real-time communication between clients, care facilities, healthcare professionals and the pharmacist. PharmPack is another South Australian innovative business with a vision to make the medical ordering and fulfilment process as simple, easy and error-free as possible. Michael's journey provided his views and experience of where to begin when moving from a manual paper based process and some of the challenges common to all projects.
Finally Julien Berteraut from Intrexx spoke about the digital landscape we live in today, some interesting data points and examples of how clients in Europe and in Australia are using platforms like Intrexx to create web-based applications for automated workflows, electronic forms and the powerful impact of portals.
Intrexx is a cross-platform integrated development environment for the creation and operation of web-based applications, enterprise portals and intranet portals. Julien is experienced in digital transformation and has worked with many different clients based in Europe and globally. A link to the Intrexx presentation has been included below.
Julien Berteraut (Intrexx)
Over 100 new and existing faces filled the Electra House venue on the night, highlighting the popularity and appetite for digital innovative transformations. Advance would like to once again thank all the speakers and guests who made the event a huge success.
For any further information regarding the SA Innovators 2019 Kick Off Event, or how Advance can help implement a successful digital process in your industry, get in touch with us here.